Linn Dynamik Power Supply / Upgrades Linn Majik DS/ Linn Akurate DS
Linn Dynamic Power Upgrades
Linn have a reputation for providing excellent performance upgrade paths for its products and the recent introduction of the Dynamik power supply continues this trait. This internal modular power supply upgrade applies to most of the recent Linn product range.
For many years hi-fi manufacturers have realised the importance of the power supply in their products, and much of the musical resolution is a direct result of the quality of the mains signals we have to work with. In today’s home environment we have vast quantities of unmusical ‘noise’ generating devices; Microwaves, central heating, fridges, mobile phone chargers, games consoles, computers et al.
The new Dynamik power supply, is not dissimilar to having your own substation literally living in each box. Essentially it takes in whatever mains is on offer and converts it into a voltage medium that is for starters, way above the normal frequency of everyday appliances. Linn have been doing this for many years, but with improvements in modern components have been able to make substantial improvements with Dynamik.
We can of course play you the Dynamik modified items, but all of us here are fully convinced about the performance improvements it can make and have no hesitation in recommending it. The cost of this upgrade (with the exception of the Klimax loudspeakers) is £450 per item. Fitting can be done on-site (distance permitting) or by appointment whilst you wait in-store.
The following products can be upgraded with Linn Dynamik:
Klimax DS, Klimax Kontrol, All Klimax Loudspeakers (except 345)
Akurate DS, Akurate CD, Akurate Kontrol, All Akurate Power Amplifiers, All Artikulat Loudspeakers(except 345)
Majik DS, All Majik Power Amplifiers, Majik-I,
Exotik, Exotik+DA,
All Chakra Power Amplifiers
Unidisk 1.1 & 2.1, Unidisk SC
AV 2250/5125
Classik Music & Classik Movie (current models)

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